Airless Spray Tip Sizes 

Airless Spray Tip Sizes: The Ultimate Guide

H1: Everything You Need to Know About Airless Spray Tip Sizes


When it comes to airless paint spraying, choosing the right tip size is crucial to achieve professional results. With a wide range of options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which size is best suited for your project. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the intricacies of airless spray tip sizes, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with an understanding of how tip sizes affect spray patterns, efficiency, and overall performance. So let’s dive in!

H2: Understanding Tip Sizes

At first glance, airless spray tips may seem like a simple component of the spraying system, but their impact on the final outcome is significant. Tip sizes are denoted by a three-digit number, such as 515 or 213, where the first digit represents the fan width and the last two digits denote the orifice size in thousandths of an inch.

H3: Fan Width and Coverage

The first digit of the tip size indicates the fan width or the spray pattern produced by the tip. Generally, the higher the number, the wider the fan width. For example, a tip with a first digit of 4 will produce a narrower fan width compared to a tip with a first digit of 6. Selecting an appropriate fan width is crucial to ensure even and efficient coverage. Smaller fan widths are ideal for detailed work, while larger fan widths are suited for covering larger surfaces quickly.

H3: Orifice Size and Material Compatibility

The last two digits of the tip size refer to the orifice size, affecting the amount of paint flowing through the tip. Understanding orifice sizes is vital as it influences the spray pattern density and the type of material that can be efficiently sprayed. Larger orifice sizes are better suited for thicker materials such as elastomeric coatings or heavy-bodied paints, while smaller orifice sizes are ideal for thinner materials like stains or lacquers.

H2: Tips for Choosing the Right Tip Size

Now that we have explored the basics of airless spray tip sizes, let’s delve into some practical tips for selecting the right size for your project:

1. Consider the Surface: Different surfaces require different spray patterns and coverage. Determine the type and size of the surface you will be spraying to guide your tip size selection.

2. Material Viscosity: The thickness or viscosity of the material you are spraying plays a vital role in choosing the right tip size. Thicker materials require larger orifice sizes to ensure smooth and consistent coverage.

3. Desired Finish: Think about the desired finish and how it can be achieved with different tip sizes. Fine finishes often call for smaller orifice sizes with narrower spray patterns, while textured finishes might benefit from wider fan widths.

H2: Explore Our Comprehensive Categories

As you embark on your next paint spraying project, remember that finding the perfect airless spray tip size is just the beginning. Our website offers an extensive range of hand tools, power tools, garden essentials, and workshop must-haves to elevate your DIY experience. Browse through our comprehensive categories to find exactly what you need to complete your project with finesse.


Choosing the right airless spray tip size is essential for achieving professional-grade results in your painting projects. Understanding the relationship between fan width, orifice size, and material compatibility is a key factor in making informed decisions. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the world of airless spray tip sizes and unleash your creativity. So why wait? Explore our website and discover the vast array of tools and products waiting to enhance your DIY endeavors. Happy spraying!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are airless spray tip sizes?

Airless spray tip sizes refer to the diameter of the orifice on the tip of an airless spray gun. They determine the flow rate, spray pattern, and coverage of the paint or coating. Tip sizes are typically measured in thousandths of an inch (e.g., 0.017″, 0.021″, etc.), where a smaller number corresponds to a smaller orifice and a finer atomization. Choosing the right tip size is crucial for achieving optimal spray performance and desired finish quality.

How do I choose the right airless spray tip size?

To choose the right airless spray tip size, consider the viscosity of the coating, desired spray pattern, and the type of surface you’ll be spraying. Thinner coatings like stains or lacquers usually work well with smaller tip sizes (e.g., 0.011″ to 0.015″), while thicker paints or primers may require larger tip sizes (e.g., 0.017″ to 0.023″). The surface texture and size also play a role, where rough surfaces or larger areas may benefit from larger tip sizes for better coverage. It’s always recommended to consult the paint manufacturer’s guidelines or seek advice from experienced professionals for specific recommendations.

What happens if I use the wrong airless spray tip size?

Using the wrong airless spray tip size can result in poor spray pattern, uneven coverage, or issues with atomization. If the tip size is too small for the coating, it may clog or produce a narrow spray fan, leading to thin application and potential streaks. On the other hand, using a tip size that is too large may result in excessive overspray, wastage of materials, and possible uneven finish. It’s important to select the appropriate tip size based on the coating’s characteristics and the desired outcome to achieve optimal results.